Text Box: Stewardship and Finance: Stan Mullins
Stewardship & Finance met June 16th.  
We had intended to show the monthly results of our Mortgage Reduction efforts in the Year to Date Profit and Loss  statements, but recently found this inclusion skewed General Fund totals.  The Building Fund Reduction details will now be reported separately.
     The (Non-Building Fund) Profit and Loss Statements for each month of '08 are available in the office.
Summary of General Fund Contributions  Minus Paid Expenses thru May:
Jan 2008  <$4,341.83>
Feb 2008   <$241.04>
Mar 2008  <$1728.00>
Apr 2008  <$7471.25>
May 2008  <$135.59>
Y-T-D      <$13917.71>
The report on the Debt Reduction will be available in detail soon.  Since the December Commitment Kick-Off, we have paid in excess of $20,000 to reduce the debt.  Over $13000 has been paid in 2008.
Kentucky Home Bank will be preparing some choices for us regarding renewal of our Mtg Loan.
Rick had requested turning his cell phone allowance over to Melinda for the remainder of 2008.  The committee voted to split the allowance equally between Rick and Melinda until the 2009 Budget is set.
The committee is gathering examples of organizations with fiscal years running July 1 through June 30.

Elders: Randal Parrott
Randal Parrott, chair of Elders was honored to participate at Kelley Dick’s ordination.  He presented a gift on behalf of the Elders with the following statement.  “Kelley, the Elders of this congregation, where you received your spiritual nutrition and of which you are today a Priscilla, wish to present you with the cross in the form of a necklace.  The cross is a sign of service of which you are entering.  It carries lots of love and caring within it’s meaning of what it can do for you and for those around you as you bring forth your love of God in your life’s work.  God Bless You.”   
The Elders prayers and love will continue to be with her as she continues in her new position as associate minister at First Christian Church, Bowling Green, Kentucky.  
The next meeting will be July 7 at 7 p.m. at the church.  I encourage each Elder to make plans to attend this meeting. 
Randal and Patsy Parrott also  presented the Bible to Kelly at her ordination with the following statement.  “Kelley, You have given lots of joy to your home congregation as we have watched you grow from a small child to the young lady that you are today.  On behalf of this congregation we are giving you this Bible.  Our charge to you is that you will continue to always live so that the Word is always near to you.  On your lips and in your heart.  The love and prayers of this congregation will always be with you wherever your ministry leads you.” 

Text Box: The Corner 
We don’t change the message…
The message changes us!